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What’s Driving SMB Demand for Embedded Finance?

What’s Driving SMB Demand for Embedded Finance?

In collaboration with PYMNTS

Small and midsize businesses are looking to embedded finance to streamline payments, cut costs and open new financing channels. More than 60 percent of SMBs1 said they desire embedded financial services to help them smooth their payments processes, while 50 percent2 believed embedded solutions would offer enhanced payment data that could drive actionable insights into their operations. This increasing appetite for new embedded solutions represents a major opportunity for payments and financial service providers serving the segment, and could drive up to $32 billion in SMB financial services revenue by 2025.3

In this report, you’ll learn more about:

  • How embedded finance can solve key financial pain points for SMBs

  • The numbers behind SMBs’ growing demand for embedded tools

  • How to capture the massive potential market opportunity

1Capgemini, World Payments Report 2022

2Capgemini, World Payments Report 2022

3Accenture, Embedded Finance for SMEs