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Make Push Provisioning Part of Your Digital-First Strategy

June 18, 2021

Deliver a seamless experience for consumers loading cards to their Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay mobile wallets

Deliver a seamless experience for consumers loading cards to their Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay mobile wallets

By Scott Johnson, SVP, Galileo Business Development

The evidence abounds. Consumers are hooked on digital payments. Fifteen months of pandemic isolation accelerated the digital trend that was already taking over in the U.S. And, now that we’re returning to pre-Covid shopping patterns, there’s no turning back. Digital is the way forward!

Digital Payments stats
Digital Payments stats

Source: Visa, The Visa Back to Business Study, January 2021

That’s why we’re highlighting our Galileo One-Click (In-App) Push Provisioning feature, enabling your cardholders to quickly and easily add their payment cards to their mobile wallets, including Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay.

What’s push provisioning? It’s tokenization technology that can automate the tedious process (entering card information, uploading a card image or speaking to a customer service agent) of provisioning a payment card to a mobile wallet. While in your mobile app, your customer simply taps a button to “push” the token associated with the card from your app to the mobile wallet.

Once you’ve implemented Galileo One-Click Push Provisioning into your mobile app, your customers can seamlessly integrate their card credentials to their mobile wallet to begin making payments instantly--all they need to do is click. Even your new customers can participate, getting digital-first access to their accounts before their new debit, secured credit or prepaid card arrives in the mail.

The process is speedy and seamless for consumers, with the intuitive user experience customers expect from their financial services providers.

The technology behind Galileo One-Click Push Provisioning encourages mobile wallet adoption by eliminating cumbersome manual input or speaking to a customer service agent to provision cards and providing a digital-first opportunity for customers to begin using their accounts--resulting in top-of-wallet status for clients’ cards and increased interchange revenue. In addition, the in-app provisioning process is secure, reducing fraud risk, and eliminates inadvertent data entry errors.

The COVID-19 pandemic has focused attention on contactless payments adoption in the United States and around the world due to fear that touching cards, paper or point-of-sale terminals could spread infection. Push provisioning offers a touch-free experience that minimizes physical contact amid ongoing health concerns, and recent data indicates this option became more popular during the pandemic, compared to years prior.

The convenience and benefits of contactless payments are here to stay.

Learn more about Galileo One-Click Push Provisioning here or contact us.

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